Management training program i just HATE media

Management training program

i just HATE media. HDs are perfect because you can take one thing with you and have instant access to many movies. all at the click of a button. Until the Hard Drive crashes and you lose them all at once. Yeah, my wife has one and it uses a tray loading drive. It is on the right hand side. You hit eject and the tray pops out. I havent looked lately at the new MB but I think it is still the same. Oops, my mistake! I see that the new one does have a slot loading drive. On hers the the lower portion of the back of the laptop pops out with a tray. I didnt realize that these were changed. Regardless it still doesnt mean that Apple will have to stick with a slot loading drive. The new one? All MacBooks have had a slot-loading drive. They were never changed. This is why I angry with posters on MacRumurs, as opposed to AI, the average age and/or IQ has got to be much, much lower because even the simplest of Google searches seems to be beyond many posters here. Apple transitioned tray-loadng optical drives out of all but the worlstation almost a decade a go and no Intel Mac management training program had a tray-loading drive, except for the Mac Pro workstation. Youre right, it doesnt mean Apple has to stick with slot-loading drive, but I pointed out incidents where Apple was willing to sacrifice functionality to maintain thinness and noted that they are obsessed with making their hardware thinner. What rationale do you have that a seldom used optical drive would warrant an excessive thickening of the Mac notebook chassis with a a clunky, un-seamless drive that is too expensive for most users, that takes up more space than any other component in the notebook, and holds very little information and is considerably slow compared to HDD and flash storage mediums? PS: Apple will be phasing be the optical drive out. On the consumer side, the technology is dying. Installing applications and OSes via optical disc is no longer the best method. People dont use their optical drives much as it is and using a Blu-ray reader on a note book to watch a movie with management training program the battery is foolish, at best. Either Apple will move the optical drive outside of portable Macs with the upcoming case revision or the one after that.

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