Adam and eve story Took my blu-ray player back, 4 out 5

Adam and eve story Took my blu-ray player back, 4 out 5 cracked. Spoke to Netflix adam and eve story with 3 of 3 BRs from Netflix not playing. Netflix rep state they are aware of the problem and that it appears to be regional. The return discs are to be hand sorted at the Post Office but when the big roller machine sorts the discs it damages the BRs and not the plain DVDs. I stopped our BR service and told them Id watch the blogs to see when they correct the problem and then adam and eve story try again. At first I thought it was my new player by I went to Best Buy and asked them to play on their machine and the BRs wouldnt even load. Netflix has a Big BR problem. I started using Blurays from Netflix in January. I started having trouble immediately. Ive called them several times to report problems and each and everytime theyve been very helpful sending me extra adam and eve story and giving me various credits bonus discs, free months. But after over a month and half talking to them and the post office trying to resolve this problem Ive thrown in the towel when today 2 out of 3 discs where again broken in this very same way. Its absolutely silly that they cant get this problem solved. I will give Netflix credit for being more then helpful as far as making it right. Ive gotten probably a half a dozen or more bonus rentals and 2 free months because of all my trouble. But given that even the bonus discs are broken its not much use at this point. I really advise folks to call Netflix when they have several broken blurays, its VERY quick hold times are nearly zero and 9 times out of 10 the nice folks on the phone will throw you a bonus disc or if youve been having lots of trouble a free month which does take the sting out of things a bit. Bluray with Netflix is an absolute disaster though right now. Ive had the same problem. Ive only gotten three BR movies so far but each of them has been cracked, and then the replacement wasnt. Funny thing is that the BR disks are supposed to stronger but Ive never had a regular DVD come cracked. The problem just may be regional I get most of my discs from the Tacoma distribution center which is only about 45 miles from my house. 7 out of 10 discs on average are cracked I just got a disc delivered all the way from the Dallas Distribution center and it made it that far just fine. This leads me to believe it is something at the distribution center here in Washington.

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